Forensic Engineering Services & Building Sciences
Structural Building Inspection Services
& Construction Defect Investigations
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Forensic Engineering & Building Sciences
Forensic engineering, investigations, inspection services, specialty testing, and expert witness services.
Construction Defect Investigations
Investigating and documenting known or suspected construction defects. Typically performed in support of pending litigation.
Forensic Investigations
Investigation of the cause or causes of damage to or failure of a building, property, or component.
Expert Witness Testimony
Inspection Services
Velocity offers a wide range of inspection services, including: quality assurance / quality control, building, structural steel, welding, ADA, post-tensioning, underwater, and drone inspections.
Specialty Testing Services
Velocity offers a wide range of specialty testing services, including: concrete relative humidity (RH), concrete moisture vapor emissions, floor flatness and levelness, slip resistance, paint thickness and adhesion, spray applied fireproofing, and pervious paver testing.