Wedgewood Window Replacement

Wedgewood Window Replacement Velocity provided engineering consulting services for a window replacement project at Wedgewood at Bonita Bay Condominiums. Wedgewood consists of 6, five-story condominium buildings that were originally constructed between 1987 and 1992. The project consisted of replacing all of the windows along the back side of the buildings. This project had a number […]
Seawatch Concrete Restoration

Seawatch Concrete Restoration Velocity provided engineering consulting services for a concrete restoration project at Seawatch Condominium in Naples. Seawatch is an 8-story building that was constructed in approximately 1981. The project consisted of repairing concrete balconies on the back side of the building facing the Gulf of Mexico. The repairs were necessary due to deteriorated reinforcing […]
Bonita Springs Lake Bank Collapse
Bonita Springs Lake Bank Collapse A section of lake bank that was under repair collapsed, undermining the pool deck and screen cage foundation of the adjacent residence. Velocity was contacted and responded on an emergency basis. The foundation was temporarily supported using wood blocking and bottle jacks until permanent repairs could be made. Helical piers […]
Portfolio Template
Project Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In auctor ullamcorper odio, vel ultrices nisl tempus vitae. Nullam at eros vitae elit lacinia tristique. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu ligula libero. Curabitur lacinia enim vitae nulla dapibus, et sodales lacus ornare. Mauris vestibulum […]